Single-use plastic free tourism

Single-use plastic free tourism: This is important for our #WELCOMMONHostel
We are glad to inform you that our innovative hostel is participating and hosting activities and events focusing on sinle-use plastic free tourism.
Indeed, in our WELCOMMON Hostel, we are devoted to combine sustainable tourism, green & environmental activities, social integration of refugees, social and green innovation, intercultural coexistence, non-formal education and intercultural courses for all (locals, travelers /tourists, volunteers, refugees, migrants) as well as climate protection activities.
Being tourism one of the largest industries in the world could come with responsibility and the potential to make a real difference if we work together on common goals. We agree that sustainable tourism positively contributes to economic development worldwide, to respect and intercultural understanding. Travelling can be a great learning experience for those involved and has stimulated protection, conservation and pride of natural and cultural heritage. However, like other sectors, the tourism sector can also have a negative impact on communities and the environment like carbon emissions, human exploitation, overcrowding and creation of waste and pollution. This pledge concerns the latter:
Plastic waste and tourism
The world is producing more than 300 million tons of plastic. Each year around 8 million tons of plastic ends up in our oceans. It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in the sea.4 As a tourism industry, we suffer from the consequences of plastic pollution. Holidaymakers are looking for pristine beaches, unpolluted nature and cultural sights. Plastic pollution negatively affects visual attractiveness of destinations, contributes to pollution of soil and water, affects animal, plant and human health, and leads to biodiversity loss.
Unfortunately, our sector and holiday makers also contribute to the problem. For example, in the Mediterranean plastic represents 95% of the waste floating in the sea and lying on its beaches. With tourists visiting the region, marine litter increases by 40% each summer. Other research shows that waste generated per hotel room can be twice as large as an average household in the same region. We acknowledge this contribution and recognise that international effort is needed in the entire tourism sector and supply chain to support the transition to a circular economy for plastics. The sector can contribute to reach this goal involving holidaymakers, local communities and destinations. As many destinations are economically dependent on the tourism industry, plastic pollution threatens their future income.
We applaud initiatives like the ‘New Plastics Economy Global Commitment’ led by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation in collaboration with UNEP, other initiatives of plastic producers, users and recyclers, and increased legislation to reduce single-use plastics and plastic pollution. With this International Tourism Plastic Pledge we want to scale-up efforts and join forces internationally to increase our contribution to a circular economy for plastics to reduce plastic pollution.
We feel the urgency for the sector to take action. There is momentum to join forces to create more impact. The pledge serves three goals:
1. Create more awareness on this issue in the tourism sector and destinations and showcase that the sector can contribute to solutions;
2. Create more impact by stimulating the implementation of actions in the tourism sector to reduce, reuse and recycle plastics in the international tourism industry;
3. Exchange of knowledge to raise awareness and accelerate positive impact.
With this pledge we want to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals as set by the UN. In particular the following four: 8 Decent work & Economic growth; 12 Sustainable consumption and production patterns; 14 Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources; and 17 Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
You can sleep peacefully knowing that your stay in our WELCOMMON Hostel will help sustainability, climate, local neighborhood, vulnerable communities, people all over the world
#climateaction #climateprotection #climateemergency #energytransition #energyefficiency #GoGreen #social #impact #innovation #socialinclusion #socEnt #hostel #sustainabletourism #socialcooperative #GoGreen #athens #volunteers Days of Welcommon