The WELCOMMON Hostel, a new experience in responsible, sustainable tourism, member of HOSTELLING INTERNATIONAL Greece

The WELCOMMON Hostel is a hostel in the center of Athens, an innovative proposal for sustainable tourism, innovation, art, social and job integration based on the idea of “community”, initiated and run by the social cooperative ANEMOS ANANEOSIS / WIND OF RENEWAL.
The WELCOMMON Hostel is a seven-floor facility for people of all ages. We would like to welcome you during your visit to Athens. We can also help you plan your stay in the city. WELCOMMON is not just a hostel, it is also part of a social experiment, a center for innovation and art, as well as social and job integration for Greeks, migrants and refugees. We are committed to work for the promotion of the education of all young people. We care for this, it is not only words, it is every day practice with the support of many volunteers all over the world. Our WELCOMMON HOSTEL enable you to meet people of different cultures, backgrounds and experiences, and provide a rich resource for learning and for building a better, more peaceful world.
We assure standards for comfort, so you can rely on a consistent level of services and facilities wherever you stay. You have a variety of options for accommodation in WELCOMMON; you may like to share an eight-bed dormitory with your friends or other travelers; or you may prefer to stay in a five-bed room, a four-bed room, a three-bed room, a twin or double bed room or a single; you may need a cheap room or you may be willing to pay a little more for some extra perks; or you may like to go for a room with a balcony. Regardless of what you select, all rooms are comfortable, clean and attractive; a lot has been artistically designed with reused items, always with your comfort in mind.
We can organize your study trip in the city and provide details about interesting social events and groups; we can also supply you with all necessary information on other Greek cities, an island or a mountainside; we can connect you with cycling groups, or let you know the secrets of culinary delights, we can host your seminar or workshop; we can also host a painting exhibition or a cultural event.

Hostelling International (HI) is a charity that manages a federation of not-for-profit youth hostel associations. Its Youth Hostel Associations such as YHA, Stayokay and DJH combined provide a network of 4,000 hostels world-wide in more than 80 countries. They believe that exploration and travel lead to a better understanding of other cultures, and in turn that creates a peaceful, smarter, and more tolerant world. This is and has been HI mission for almost 100 years. HI operates ‘for good and not-for-profit’ which means your stay should be cheaper while contributing to something amazing — any surplus of funds is reinvested in affordable hostelling and not shareholders. What makes HI different from other hostel operators is a focus on quality over quantity: all member countries are required to meet HI’s internationally-agreed Assured Standards for comfort, so you can rely on a consistent level of services and facilities wherever you stay.
Booking your hostel stay on hihostels ensures HI can continue to help its Youth Hostel Associations provide safe and clean HI Hostels for young people to enjoy for years to come. Book direct with HI Hostels and support this mission – we typically have the best prices!
Be sure to CONTACT US before arriving in Athens, let us know about your needs and your interests!